Whatever your goals with investment in property, we can help.
We start by listening to you. Finding out what it is you really want to achieve. How long do you want to wait for a return? What is your risk appetite? How much of a return are you looking for? Do you want be completely ‘hands off’ or would you like some element of ‘hands on’ involvement so you can learn?
So our first question is always …
What is most important to you in your property investment strategy?
Once we have listened to your answers, we can then begin to work with you on the best strategies to fit your requirements.
You might want to ‘flip’ properties using the simple BRS (Buy – Refurb – Sell) strategy.
You might want to start getting some passive income from rentals. In which case it may be some form of BRR (Buy – Refurb – Refinance) strategy is best.
You may want to have money invested in property equity long term to benefit from Capital Growth. In which case it might still be a BRR strategy but investments should be focused into higher Capital Growth areas which tend to offer lower cash-flowing yields – but from which you get a higher blended return.
You may want higher returns on larger capital investments, in which case your strategy might be to help finance a large Commercial Conversion development. Say, turning under-utilised or unoccupied offices into studios and flats.
Whatever your preference, it is all down to you. With SLK there will never be a hard sell. You’ve got to want to work with us (and us with you). And when you do, we’ve got to all be singing off the same hymn sheet, working together, and most importantly, all winning!
The Investors section of our website gives you a very brief overview of our ethos and our capabilities, so you’ll at least know a little about us before you get in touch. Also check out our Case Studies section to see examples of our work.